Salish Soils now the designated drop off location for Wood Waste on the Sunshine Coast

As of November 2019, Salish Soils was successfully awarded the contract to accepting all Wood Waste for the Sunshine Coast. Both clean and contaminated construction waste is ground up with a 5710 Peterson Grinder which is equipped with magnets to remove all metal such as screws, nails, and staples.

Clean Wood Waste is taken to the Howe Sound Pulp and Paper mill where they burn the Wood Waste in their energy efficient and environmentally friendly boiler for power generation and process steam. Contaminated wood waste is transported to the landfill to use as cover material in their landfill operations.

Prices have not deviated from what was previously charged at the landfill, $170/tonne for clean Wood Waste and $265/tonne for contaminated Wood Waste.